To whom try to enter into Japanese market


     Wellcome to homepage of T.Imaizumi Accounting Office


We are ready to support you to improve the financial management and to increase the profit by preparing monthly financial report and financial analysis.

CPTA T. Imaizumi



画像の説明  Special features of our office

1. International experience
With the background of working in various countries in the world, we are able to support the clients from the overseas not only in the area of finance and accounting but also in general business development in Japan.

2. Collaboration with MONJU members
We belong to an expert group called MONJU consisting with specials in corporate tax and overseas taxation and ready to provide the service in collaboration with other MONJU members.

3. Financial Analysis?
We prepare our original form of monthly financial report and financial analysis which show the key points to improve the ffinancial management and to increase the profitability of the clients.
Detail of monthly report⇒?
Detail of financial analysis⇒?


画像の説明   Voice of the clients


画像の説明   Office location
5 minuts walk from the north exit of Tsutsujigaoka Station of Keio-line

より大きな地図で 今泉税理士事務所 を表示



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